All Posts
Testing HTTPD configuration
HaProxy with google cloud bucket
HTTPD with google cloud bucket
Czech Citizenship - confirmation of debt absence
Storing SSH keys in TPM (for github and other things)
FPV On the Go
FPV hardware
New to FPV
List of resources for Drone owners in Czech Republic
Running ansible INSIDE Docker
FPV things I should've know about
Systemd Docker
Kubernetes using external bucket
BlackDuck J-unit style report
Why I canceled my subscription on Pluralsight
FUD & testing
VS code goodies for working with text
Prima Life things that surprised me
Scrubbing Car websites for statistics
ESP8266 WIFI hacks
Toyota touch 2 & MirrorLink 1.0 research
ESP debug goodies
Down the ESP memory lane
Real files size on LFS partition
Equifax hack cause (GAO report)
Ambient backlight on Android + Hyperion + ESP8266 + WS2812
Denied Materials / substances to be imported into EU
Samsung Odessey Plus controller Dissasembly (WMR)
Sharing long wifi password
Testing server for vulnerable or obsolete ciphers.
Mopidy installation and issues
Sonoff Micro Dissasembly and Flashing (kind of)
Hame from the Dead
Running android Apps on Windows
Using Bluetooth Speaker and White noise with Home Assistant
Choosing 433MHZ RF gateway software for Home Assistant
My phones & Tablets
OrangePi Zero + Octoprint memory issues
Designing and creatign own PCB (simmilar to Witty Cloud)
DIY Smart Blinds for Smart home
Bai Ke Jia
Bamboo Fast Food
Docker + Fail2ban + Simple Mail Forwarder - you never know what to expect
DSC alarm with dscKeybus programming guide
Applications that I use (almost) every day
Goto Fail - failed attempts at DIY and what i've learned from them
ANET A8 + MKS GEN L 1.0 + TMC2208 + MARLIN
NoSQL databases in Java for storing List of String
Manual Customs Clearance in Czech republic / Prague (JSD)
Android 9 on Xiaomi Note 3 Pro
Docker Home-assistant issues after kernel update
Sending Temperature from RPI or OrangePI with MQTT and Mosquitto
3D printing in practice
Linux os monitoring using Telegraf
Log4j -> java Logging -> GrayLog
While I was away from Docker
Git merge can be hard
mlocate tool - search-everything for linux
Mapping Actions to a separate keyboard
Docker - usefull commands for managing containers
Octoprint on OrangePi configuration
Few words about Windows Docker images creation process
Windows docker images creation goodies
After Profiling is done or JMH Microbenchmark in action
Search everything - searching in Windows without indexing
DIY Visualisations with Gnuplot
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