VS code goodies for working with text | DIMI’s place

DIMI's place

My thoughts on different things

31 March 2022

VS code goodies for working with text

I’ve been preparing for my CSSLP exam, that involved lots of reading & taking notes. Here I wanted to share some tools or techniques that I had found that might help someone.

Vs code markdown image paste plugin

Each time you take screenshot - you can simply press key combination and it would paste image in the folder & create markdown link.

Plugin marketplace url

You’ll need to update location of where images would be stored for convenience:

  "pasteImage.path": "${projectRoot}/assets/images/",

& Hotkey combination. Mine is bind to CTRL+ALT+V.

Image insertion demo

Join Lies

When pasting text sections form books most often they are pasted as unformatted multi-line code. So either you should manually merge them by removing end line separators .

CTRL+SHIFT+J to merge lines. I would re-bind that to CTRL+SHIFT+Q so it can be reached with one hand without looking at keyboard.

VS code workspace-specific configuration

So VS code has user & workspace configuration. If you know that in this workspace you would be only doing text-based work, some of development features can be disabled. You can sync this workspace settings along with the code/text from repository.

So for example, things that are distracting in text-editing mode”

    "editor.glyphMargin": false,
    "editor.minimap.enabled": false,
    "editor.lineNumbers": "off",
    "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
    "editor.renderWhitespace": "trailing"

Vs settings demo

Unfortunately you cannot disable plugins in this config file.

Gif Creation

I recently found tool called peek on Linux. Creating gif’s was never that easy. Just choose section of screen, hit record & it will capture footage in .gif format.

No gif demo here, I haven’t figured out how to capture gif from gif creation :)

tags: vs code - peek