OrangePi Zero + Octoprint memory issues | DIMI’s place

DIMI's place

My thoughts on different things

15 October 2019

OrangePi Zero + Octoprint memory issues


I’ve been using my Orange pi Zero 256MB for octoprint since the very begining. It has 4 cores, that is more then enough to drive Octoprint.

However during re-installation or adding of python packages system goes down with 100% of memory, then swap, then CPU.

I’ve noticed this behaviour with:


One of the solution is to temporary increase swap size for the installation:

sudo fallocate -l 1G /swapfile
sudo chmod 600 /swapfile
sudo mkswap /swapfile
sudo swapon /swapfile

this would create 1GB temporary swap file that can be used during installation. You can remove it after reboot.


tags: smart-home - 3d printing - octoprint