ANET A8 + MKS GEN L 1.0 + TMC2208 + MARLIN | DIMI’s place

DIMI's place

My thoughts on different things

29 December 2018

ANET A8 + MKS GEN L 1.0 + TMC2208 + MARLIN

Looks like I’m not the only person having problems with TMC2208 drivers. After seeing this article article I’ve decided that now it’s time to move on and updated my printer from 1.1.8 to 1.1.9 hoping that finally I can use UART mode of my TMC2208. (I had a few extra lying around with re-soldered pins and cables)

There were compilation issues which I was not able to resolve. So I decided, that it’s time to move to bugfix-2.0.0.

Merge was sucesfull, there were not as much changes in configuration files as I expected and compliation was OK! Iv’e printed test cube with TMC2208 in dumb mode and it looked exactly like my cube from 1.1.8 so no regression.

So then I spend 6 hours figuring out why:

According to Atmel Mega board - there are 4 hardware serial port pairs which we can use - i’ve mapped them in the image below:

So in order to use this pins you should set X_HARWARE_SERIAL as corresponding serial.

Serial Mapping

TFT Pin Pin Name Node MCU (Wemos) Pin Tasmota Config
RST Reset RST —-
CE chip select D8 (GPIO 15) SPI CS (66)
DC Data/Command D0 (GPIO 16) SPI DC (67)
Din Serial Data In D7 (GPIO 13) —-
Clk Serial Clock D5 (GPIO 14) —-
Vcc 3.3 voltage 3.3V —-
BL Backlight, 3.3V D2 (GPIO 04) Backlight (68)
GND Ground Ground —-

Current motor configuration

| Axis | Driver | Mode | Vref Value | Steps | | —- | ——- | —- | ———- | —– | | X | DRV8825 | 1/16 | 0.5 | 100 | | Y | TMC2208 | 1/16 | | 100 | | E1 | TMC2130 | 1/16 | | 100 | | Z1Z2 | TMC2208 | 1/16 | | 100 |

Count Component Price $ Link  
1 ESP8266 1.39  
100 1K 0603 resistors 0.75  
50 ceramic capactior 2.20  
10 esp12f adapter board 1.23  
10 9v connector 0.59  
50 3.3v voltage regulator 1.01  
50 5v voltage regulator 1.42  
10 motor connector 1.50  
1 28byj-48 motors 1.50  
tags: mks gen L 1.0 - TMC2208 - MARLIN