Without fail | DIMI’s place

DIMI's place

My thoughts on different things

Without fail

Authors: Lee Child
Narrator: Dick Hill
Duration: 16H 35m
My Rating: 🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑
Tags: action - detective

Vice-president assassination. Great description of bodyguard profession. Also great insights into politics in USA.


a good coat is like a good lawyer. It covers your ass.

Audits build self-confidence. Better to know something for sure than just hope for the best.

It felt curiously intimate, but also distant. Like sitting next to a stranger on a long plane ride. You feel connected, but also not connected.

Karl Marx had this trick of explaining everything with one single question, which was, who benefits

Everybody who lives there comes from somewhere else. They’re there for a reason, to study at the university or to work in the government. It’s a transient place. It has a temporary, shifting population. You graduate, you leave. You get voted out, you go someplace else. You get rich, you move to Chevy Chase. You go broke, you go sleep in a park.

(ARMY) Some join because they need a job or want to learn a trade, some join because they want to shoot heavy weapons and blow things up. Some, like Reacher himself, join because it’s preordained. But most join because they’re looking for cohesion and trust and loyalty and camaraderie. They’re looking for the brothers and the sisters and the parents they haven’t got anywhere else.

The first Secret Service agents to arrive were the line-of-sight team. They had a large-scale city surveyor’s map and a telescopic sight removed from a sniper rifle. One agent walked through every step that Armstrong was scheduled to take. Every separate pace he would stop and turn round and squint through the scope and call out every window and every rooftop he could see. Because if he could see a rooftop or a window, a potential marksman on that rooftop or in that window could see him. The agent with the map would identify the building concerned and check the scale and calculate the range. Anything under seven hundred feet he marked in black. …. He wrote checked with scope, clear daylight, 0845 hrs, all suspect locations recorded across the bottom of the map and signed his name and added the date. The agent with the scope countersigned and the map was rolled and stored in the back of a department Suburban, awaiting Froelich’s arrival.